Archives Issue #3 [ PRIDE ] Blue Adams [ Panic, Call me What I Am, and Playing Eleanor ] S. Berenstein [ 'Die Freundin' (The Girlfriend) ] Christopher Capri [ Midsummer Night ] Ari Chadwick-Saund [ Fancy Pants ] Lyndsie Conklin [ In Their Hold, A Beauty Invitation, and Tangled ] DC Diamondopolous [ 1984 ] Kaylynn Dresch [ Conversations Over Waffles ] J.D. Isip [ These Gays Are Trying to Murder Me ] Kyra Kyle [ Amphibious ] Roma Markle [ If Botticelli Was Wrong ] Emily Moon [ Scattered Light and My Boobs ] Maggie Olson [ No Plain Jane, and Not Woman ] KatieAnn Nguyen [ Dear X, Always Y ] Shane Reid [ One Night and Burrow ] Calum Robertson [ Dirtfag Grows a Pair...& Then Some! ] Gerard Sarnat [ Grandchildren [Ambivalence] ] J.T. Smith [There was a boy named Za(c)(ck)(ch)(k), the Trough, and Confessions to Dante ] Liam Strong [ Self-Portrait and What My Father and I Don’t Talk About ] letter from the editor