In Autumn by Shamik Banerjee

It's autumn and my spirit is reborn

Like Dahlias that bloom in orange shades;

My heart is cheerful, so this lovely morn

I'll take my steps towards the silent glades

Where once I held my Amber's silken palm

And spoke those words a lover longs to say,

And sauntered by the bluebells sweet and calm

Like freeborn clouds that drifted by that day.

Three years have flown by since she found a place

Amid the realm of God, beside His eyes;

I've never missed this date since then to trace

This spot of our love's tale. Love never dies;

It lives for me among these silent leas

And in our symbols chiselled on the trees.

Shamik Banerjee is a poet from India. When he's not writing, he can be found strolling the hills surrounding his homestead. Some of his poems are forthcoming in The Hoogly Review, Dreich and Lighten Up Online, among others.